You are here: Inventory > Creating Inventory Records > Creating Using Inventory Maintenance > Style Size Colour

Style Size Colour

Items can be set as Style Size Colour to indicate the item is part of a range i.e. shirts in different colours and sizes. Different search window options are available in sales orders, quotes and purchases orders that display these items in a grid for ease of selling, quoting or ordering. When creating new inventory items the Description field comprises the Style Description, Colour and Size e.g. Cool Shirt; Red; Large unless the Inventory system setting SupressSSCDescription is ticked.


1. Add / Edit Style tab
2. Tick the box 'This is a Style / Colour / Size Item
3. Type in the Style Code that is used to make up the Part Number
4. Style Description - enter in relevant details
5. Colours - enter in colour code and
6. Sizes - enter in codes and descriptions
7. Save changes

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